Meryen werd van school gehaald vanwege haar lichaamsbouw
03 maart, 2025
The Geita Women Mining Association (GEWOMA) has 3.000 members, of which 750 actives. GEWOMA was established 7 years ago as women wing of the Geita Mining Association. GEWOMA is member of the national Tanzania Women Miners Association (TAWOMA).
Goldmining associations were established by the government in the 1990 to support the small-scale mining in Tanzania. At first the associations were funded by the government, but nowadays they are only funded by their members, mine owners. These are mostly men, as women usually don’t have their own mines. GEWOMA was established to strengthen the voice of women in mining, as women are often discriminated and victims of violence and harassment. They had a membership fee but not many could afford it, so it was abolished.
As many women in Tanzania don’t have the means to invest in goldmining, the government recently issued 300 licences to women’s miners’ groups. GEWOMA received 15 mining licences for 15 groups of women. They also received small mining equipment. GEWOMA is the owner of the licenses. They need to pay for the annual extension of the licence. When the mine is operating, this annual fee can be earned in 2 months.
The areas are not yet operating, as the government will research the ground first to see how much gold is there.
Some women miners associations are funded by donors. GEWOMA is not. Women become member of GEWOMA because their voice is stronger as a group, and because of the new mining licenses.
The program has supported GEWOMA in writing a strategic plan. Because of this, GEWOMA was selected by the Regional Commission for the 15 licences. CLARITY’s trainings in leadership and dealing with GBV helped them to stand up against harassment and land grabbing.
The myth goes that women during their period cannot go up hill, to the mine, because the gold will disappear. This myth is now being debunked.
As many women cannot live from mining alone, they are also happy with CLARITY support in other businesses, like vegetable growing and bee keeping.