In order to work abroad through VSO, you will have to meet a number of criteria. Do you meet all the basic requirements and are you enthusiastic about working for VSO abroad? Then the next step is to find out if we work in your field. VSO has programs in the areas of health care, education and work & income. Not all our vacancies fit within these three themes; on our international vacancy database, you will find all current volunteer jobs.

VSO is an international organization, with offices in several countries. The VSO office in the Netherlands will guide you through your application procedure and preparation until your departure. In the country of destination, the national VSO office will take over. The staff there knows the culture, language, regulations and legislation and will serve as your primary contact during your placement.


The world currently faces challenges on a scale not seen in a century. As a global organization, efforts to control COVID-19 resulted in changes to VSO’s activities and operations in the last couple of months. As the impacts of COVID-19 affect the health, education and livelihoods systems of all the countries in which we work, we are revising and adapting our programming. The safety of all overseas volunteering placements is under continuous review. Our expert security and medical teams are continually reviewing our ability to implement projects safely during the COVID-19 pandemic. Their expertise and any relevant national government and international travel advice is guiding our decisions regarding all travel, both internally and internationally.

You can find more information about our COVID-19 statement here.


frequently asked questions
  • Why do we continue to recruit professional international volunteers during the COVID-19 pandemic? 

    Due to the long preparation time required (four months on average), we are continuing to recruit new professional experts who wish to share their knowledge with their colleagues and volunteers in Africa and Asia. In this way, we will be prepared with a pool of experts ready to work together on our future plans and build a fair world for everyone.

    For questions regarding selection or onboarding for a placement during the COVID-19 pandemic, you can send an email to


  • Can I participate in information sessions about working abroad?

    VSO regularly organizes online information meetings to inform you about all the possibilities for working abroad. We inform you about our unique approach where knowledge sharing is key. You get concrete information about the jobs and the application process, practical and financial matters and our conditions and facilities.

    Read more

  • What requirements do I have to meet in order to work abroad for VSO?

    VSO likes to challenge you to share your knowledge with local colleagues in Africa and Asia. Because VSO’s jobs are quite specific, we have established a number of basic conditions. We do this to maximize the chances of success. In addition, each vacancy has specific requirements.

    • You are between 23 and 70 years old.
    • You have at least three years of relevant work experience.
    • You have at least a college (hbo bachelor) or university education.
    • You speak English well.
    • You agree to compensation and accommodation that are comparable to the salary and the accommodation of local colleagues.
    • You are in good health and you agree that the VSO Medical Team will perform a medical check.
    • You agree to apply for a Certificate of Good Conduct (VOG)/ Criminal background check.

    Whether before, during or after your stay abroad: VSO supports you. This means, among other things, that we pay a number of things for you. Other things you have to arrange yourself. Sometimes you will also have to pay for it yourself.

    Download the guide with all the information about working abroad.

  • What am I expected to do when I have been selected for a job abroad?
    • You participate in the assessment and preparatory training.
    • You commit yourself for the full duration of the placement.
    • You agree to a medical examination and a dental check-up and arrange your own vaccinations.
    • You arrange the necessary documents, your visa and any additional insurances on time.
    • You can submit a Certificate of Good Conduct (VOG) at the request of VSO.
    • Our volunteers are our most important ambassadors. Did you know that as a volunteer you can also support us in other ways? By, among other things, raising funds in your network before you leave, you can make the difference!

    Download the guide with all the information about working abroad.

  • What can you expect from us when you go abroad?
    • We organize and pay for the assessment and preparatory training.
    • We arrange and pay for your flight and your health insurance.
    • We will advise you about vaccinations, which documents need to be in order for a visa and how to apply for it. This differs per country.
    • Our dedicated medical and security teams are constantly monitoring the situation and following the guidelines provided by the World Health Organization (WHO) and national governments. They are providing expert guidance on how to manage the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in all locations where we work. We provide all volunteers with locally-relevant protective and preventative guidance relating to health risks, including the risks associated with COVID-19, access to a dedicated medical team by phone and email, a full medical briefing during the on-boarding process.
    • The local employer where you will eventually work provides housing and pays you a basic allowance, comparable to the salary of your colleagues.
    • You are entitled to a minimum of 3 weeks holiday in consultation with your employer.
    • The local VSO office will be your primary contact from the moment you arrive. They arrange a short training on culture and language if necessary.

    In our VSO Community you can find peer supporters who, with their experience and knowledge as a former VSO professional, can help you with practical tips and a listening ear.

  • Is your question not listed here?

    All information about working abroad through VSO can be found in our handy guide. You can download this for free.

    Would you rather contact us? Please send an email to

“If you are educated, it is easier to find solutions to problems and achieve more. When I ask children here what their dreams for the future are, they don’t know what to say. Therefore, teachers should encourage children to pursue their dreams.”

Petra van der Spek
Lecturer at Teacher training for primary education
International Volunteer in Rwanda

Maria Breure

For all practical questions regarding working abroad.